Hotel Alpenhof - E-mail schreiben +4364125646
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flexible cancellation conditions
Travel precautions and cancellation conditions

Dear guests,

we are looking forward to welcoming and pampering you soon.

General cancellation conditions

If something comes up, you can cancel your reservation. In that case the deposit will be credited for the next holiday! The deposit will not transferred back.


We will charge you the following amount

from 39 to 31 days before arrival 40 % of the tour price

from 30 to 8 days before arrival 70 % of the tour price

from 7 days before arrival or in case of no-show 90 % of the tour price as cancellation fee.


To fix the booking we ask you for a deposit. Upon receipt of the deposit, your reservation is considered binding. The remaining amount will be paid on site. Reservations are only accepted in writing.


*If expressly requested, the deposit will be refunded in the event of a free cancellation. In this case, we allow ourselves to charge a service fee of EUR 20.00.

A booking is a contract. By cancellation, late arrival and departure prior maturity cancellation fees will be charged. We do understand changes due to personal reasons (illness, accidents,..) for that reason we suggest you the European Travel insurance.




Do you have to cancel or break off a trip because of Covid-19? Then the European travel insurance (when taking out a Hotel Cancellation Plus or Hotel Cancellation Premium insurance) will pay the cancellation and trip interruption fees in the following cases


– If you fall ill with Covid-19 (before the start of the trip or on vacation)

– If a close relative or someone living with you in your household falls ill with Covid-19 and your presence at home is urgently needed

– If you have a fever and suspected corona, even if your test result is negative later.

– If you have a positive test result without symptoms

– If a close relative in the shared household is ill and you have to be quarantined


Not covered are cancellation fees

– if you are classified as a risk person and do not want to travel for fear of infection

– if you do not make the trip because you would have to go into an officially imposed quarantine when you return

– in the event of border closures, officially imposed hotel closures, lock down by the government in the event of a second wave.


Please remember that the insurance has to be taken out immediately with your deposit to the hotel or with the hotel’s firm commitment, otherwise the insurance is only valid 10 days after conclusion.


BUT: Should there be a second wave with governmental hotel lock down, no cancellation fees will be charged by our hotel.


To avoid financial losses in such an event, we recommend you take out a travel cancellation insurance. Our partner is the European Travel Insurance, which provides various insurance policies to suit your needs.


Below you find further information regarding the insurance policy.


European Travel Insurance Company

Please note that you have to take out the insurance policy immediately, once the booking has been definitely confirmed. Otherwise, the insurance may not provide coverage until 10 days after the policy has been taken out.

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